Friday, January 2, 2009

Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and is up to raising your standards for this new and exciting year! Personally, I am extremely pumped to start 2009 off right, and in style!!!
2008 presented some interesting challenges on many levels. Living in such a great city with such an amazing group of friends around me made some of these challenges easy to take-on. This last year was indeed a successful year for me and one that was full of incredible travel destinations. This last year I was fortunate enough to visit Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Cuba and Hawaii!!! I also got over to San Antonio for a few days, home of the hated Spurs! Haha...well, they are hated as I am a huge Phoenix Suns fan and them Spurs are alwyas there to chop the legs off of my Suns before they can reach the Finals. Either way, San Antonio is a beautiful city with some very sweet people.

Back to this "raising standards" deal. I will continue to be a leader to myself and anyone who shares an interest in what it is I am involved with on a personal or business level. I love to share the knowledge I have accumulated over my life and especially the last few years with anyone who is open to listening and willing to learn. I will continue to believe not doubt and maintain the mindset needed to avoid falling into the sub par living standards that many people have been conditioned to. There is a new social conscienceness happening right now! Be a part of it and raise your own standards!!! This year is going to be a great one!!! All the best to you and your family!!! :)